American Greetings

VP Creative, General Manager Kiwee, Innovation Lab Founder


Produced original video, animations, graphics and emojis are part of the content offering from American Greetings digital content studio. Here is a highlight reel of some the work. Bring a tissue

In the greetings business, Christmas is the big Kahuna. From personalized videos to designs your photo cards. Pictured above is an animated photo greeting that was designed to convey the same experience as a physical greetings. Users were able to choose and customize templates. add photos, hand written letters and audio files. The end product was an interactive greeting that drove record breaking engagement with American Greetings subscribers.

American greetings was developing a new line of hilarious greeting cards aimed at millennials. They came to the digital studio to partner with the idea of launching it as a mobile-first card brand. The result was an app, and a patent for a new kind of greeting card with the ability create highly customizable design and send them either online or as printed greetings. All in conjunction with the in-store launch. The experience drove millions of downloads and has been featured in the App Store multiple times.

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